2 Key Areas To Successful Payperclick Advertising

A simple and extremely effective way to get eyeballs to your online business site is by using Pay-Per-Click advertising. It takes minutes to set up a campaign, and you are driving traffic right away to your Internet business opportunity.

Pay-Per-Click means just that, you will be paying the bid amount every time the search engine directs a visitor to your site. Also, as more prospects click on your ad, your site often will appear in the results of other prevalent search engines.

After you have set up your pay-per-click campaign, monitor it frequently from your chosen search engine site. You won’t have to tweak your web pages to get a higher position in the search engine results, only your ads. As you try new ideas and use different keywords, you will acquire more and more traffic.

The first of two key areas to focus on for you to be successful with pay-per-click advertising is your copy; the written description you come up with to peak curiosity. Your intention is not to generally attract visitors, but to reach your specific targeted prospects that are most likely to buy your service or product.

Write a bunch of ads to get sharper and more precise with your marketing copy, which will entice the most ideal candidates to your site. The effort you put in to writing up your ad is your most powerful tool to insure that your bid is profitable.

The second important area to focus on is your use of keywords. These words are triggers that are pulled by the search engines to match up with what the prospect is searching for.

You will find some keywords are much more effective than others. You can choose as many relevant keywords as you want. There are several free keyword tools out there that will give you the data on how often particular keywords are entered into search engines. Those tools will also offer suggestions for other keywords for you to include.

I strongly suggest you track the effectiveness of your keywords. Monitor them every few days when you first get started. After that it’s all auto-pilot, though you should look at your keywords, and the bids on them at least on a monthly basis.

Pay-per-click is basically a bidding war. A bid that is higher than yours will lower your position on search engine results, and probably bring you less traffic. This means that you will have to raise your bid to regain your position, or move away from the expensive keyword and find another choice keyword that is less competitively bid on.

To determine if pay-per-click is a cost effective form of marketing for your business, you must do some computing to figure out how much each visitor to your site is worth.

What you can do is compute this value by dividing the profit you make with your business website over a given period of time by the total number of visitors for that same time period. The formula is: profits divided by visitors. This is why monitoring your pay-per-click advertising is so important. It will insure that your campaign is a success.